
Описание к видео #SCOSoundbites

#SCOSoundbites – Nostalgia

Concert: Virtuoso Series II: Bow

Date: 28 August 2021

Erhu Solo: Zhao Jianhua

Composed by Lu Xiutang

Nostalgia is a masterpiece of Mr Lu Xiutang, which portrays the composer’s homesickness when he was exiled to Chongqing, Sichuan, due to the fall of his hometown during Japanese invasion of China. The music consists of an introduction and three segments: Introduction Sense of Wandering, First segment Aria of the Home Mountain, Second segment Humming of Hometown Song Evokes Loneliness, Third Segment Affectionately further highlights the theme of homesickness.

View Virtuoso Series II: Bow house programme here: https://bit.ly/sco-virtuososeriesbow


#SCO音乐摘录 - 《怀乡行》

音乐会:《丝弦古韵》 名家名曲(二)之 拉弦


二胡独奏: 赵剑华


《怀乡行》是陆修棠先生的一首代表作,表现了作者在抗日战争时期,因家乡沦陷,流亡四川重庆时的思乡之情。乐曲由引子和三个段落组成,各段附有小标题:引子“游子羁感”, 第一段“家山咏叹”,第二段“土风吟罢感 凄零”,第三段“以深情”更突出了思乡的主题 和氛围。

点击链接参阅《丝弦古韵》 名家名曲(二)之拉弦节目册:https://bit.ly/sco-virtuososeriesbow


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