Hydrapak Seeker 3L Ultra-Light Water Bottle, Review

Описание к видео Hydrapak Seeker 3L Ultra-Light Water Bottle, Review

Hey everybody welcome back to another episode of Muddy Reviews, in this video we are checking out the Hydrapak Seeker 3L Ultra-Light Water Bottle. This compactable bottle is a fantastic way to plus up your water storage for hiking, Airsoft, or any other situation where you may need to have some more water on you.

I picked this bottle/bladder up from my local base exchange (think military Wal-Mart for those that don't know) and decided to give it a try as I wanted to have a convenient way to plus up some of my water carriage without taking up much space in my pack. The bottle packs down nicely into its included stuff sack and gives me the ability to filter directly from a dirty water source due to the compatibility with water filters from Katydn.

For all my MILSIM Westers out there, something like this would be a great bit of kit to add to your setup just for the fact you can always have extra water on you and can filter it down into your existing bottles if you aren't 100% confident in the source. The Bottles retail for 28.00$ USD but I am sure you can always find them plus or minus a few bucks especially if you find a sale depending on the time of year. Since I got this on base I do not have a website where I purchased it from so I have a link to the manufacturer's site here:


Overall I think this is a fantastic product and I plan on getting a few more in different sizes to add to my pack for different games and hiking as well as just leaving in my Jeep. I hope you got something out of this review and found a useful product as always get out there LARP HARD and I will see you in the next video, take care.

#airsoft #airsoftnation


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