Nasi Lemak 2.0 Full Movie(辣死你妈)|Chinese subtitles

Описание к видео Nasi Lemak 2.0 Full Movie(辣死你妈)|Chinese subtitles

A young chef, Huang Da Xia (Wee Meng Chee) struggles to get the patrons he's looking for. However, contradicting his unpopular cuisine, he is also well known as "Hero Huang" in the local neighbourhood, because he carries out good deeds in helping the community, including filming videos and putting them on his YouTube account. One day, he meets Xiao K (Karen Kong), who asks for his help. Xiao K's father, owner of a famous Chinese restaurant, is fighting with her aunt for the ownership of the restaurant. After some complicated discussions, they decide to hold a contest to see who can cook the best Chinese dish. Desperate to get his life and the restaurant business back on track, Chef Huang decides to help Xiao K. Huang seeks help from a mysterious hawker stall lady (Adibah Noor), who summons him to embark on an extraordinary journey of his life. During this self-enlightening experience, he will also meet many "local heroes", each lending their support to help him rediscover his roots and the real hidden message of "Nasi Lemak". 一个自称“黄大侠”的中餐厨师(黄明志饰),狂妄自大,从中国学厨毕业归国之后开了一家“清流中餐馆”,并自喻为“一股清流”,从小不爱吃大马美食,尤其非华人餐,更是不屑一顾。由于其中餐风格太过于“原汁原味”,不符合本地人的口味。导致生意其差,面临财务危机。虽然如此,他却是街坊邻居眼中的“英雄”,因为除了管理生意,他还经常帮助街坊们处理生活上的一切疑难杂症,从不对恶势力低头。某日为了帮助小K(龚柯允饰),更让他深陷苦海,危机四伏。在“清流中餐馆”对面马路摆摊卖“辣死你妈”或称椰浆饭的马来妇人Nor(Adibah Noor饰)是一名太极功底深厚却深藏不露的高人。眼见黄大侠已陷入进退维谷的人生低潮……决定出手相救……Nor把一张尘封已久的地图交到黄大侠手中,要他透过地图上的指引找到自己所失去的东西。一路上,黄大侠会遇见谁?会历经多少磨难?最后能不能修成正果呢?这一切的秘密和所要传达的讯息,原来都埋藏在一包平凡的“辣死你妈”里面…… Directed by : Namewee Produced by : Fred Chong | Sylvia Lim Starring : Namewee Karen Kong Adibah Noor Afdlin Shauki David Arumugam Reshmonu Kenny & CHEE Eiza Idanie


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