Spirit Is Preparing A Table Before You In The Presence Of Your Enemies

Описание к видео Spirit Is Preparing A Table Before You In The Presence Of Your Enemies

I think all of you I thank God for this opportunity to read for all of you and thank you all so much those that have been with me from the beginning to now who have subscribed thank you very much as well as those who have been like in sharing and commenting I really appreciate it as well as those who have donated CashApp $MarciaPili thank you so much God bless you all
without you there's no need for me to be here and if dawn has told you today that you are loved I love you

Psalm 23 a Psalm of David

the Lord is my shepherd I shall not be and want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Quiet Waters he restores my soul he guides me and my Paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me and the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. dear Lord I pray that you bring those who need to hear this message here and dear Lord I come to you humbly with gratitude thank you for your love dear Lord thank you for bringing me out of the darkness thank you for blessing all the tarot readers who helped me to hear your Word dear Lord heavenly father there may be others who would like to add on to this prayer I know you know their hearts and I stand in agreement with their prayer request Lord help us to help others help us to forgive those who have come against us dear Lord help us to see seven generations down the world to be a better place amen God we love you


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