M5launcher..Make your Cardputer a Swiss Army knife..

Описание к видео M5launcher..Make your Cardputer a Swiss Army knife..

M5Stick-Launcher is called as M5launcher. This is an intuitive utility designed to be used with the M5Stack series of devices like M5stickC, Cardputer…etc. This launcher permits customers to interact with their M5Stack gadgets through a user friendly interface, making it easier to control and manage various other firmwares as per the requirement without using any external gadget like a PC or cable. It simplifies navigation and making these compact gadgets even greater powerful and handy. Toggling different firmware as per the requirements by just clicking two buttons is life saving in certain field operations.

M5Stick-Launcher:: https://github.com/bmorcelli/M5Stick-...
All credits to the developers.

How to install firmware using M5burner tool.
   • Burning firmware(portal.hack demo) to...  


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