Vol'dun - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

Описание к видео Vol'dun - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

The region of Vol’dun serves as a death sentence for those exiled from Zuldazar. But the land's apparent lack of life is merely a mirage, and there’s more to be learned if you scratch beyond the surface.

As you explore this harsh land, you’ll meet the fox-like vulpera - a keen and intelligent race of nomadic scavengers capable of turning what they find into opportunities to thrive. But not all who live here are free. Once an ally to the Zandalari trolls, the reptilian sethrak have taken to subjugating anyone they can as slaves, and the vulpera are an easy target for their machinations. If you’re to survive in Vol’dun and get to the heart of general Jakra’zet’s plans, you’ll need all the allies you can get. Lending aid to these creatures is bound to pay off.

To the south looms the Temple of Akunda. Like Nazmir and Zuldazar, this land is served by several of the loa. Many who seek sanctuary travel to this temple to forget the ills of the past and serve the great loa Akunda. There is more to discover here, and with a little extra effort, you’ll be able to get in this loa’s good graces.

North east of the Temple of Akunda, an outpost of outcasts has taken root near Atul’Aman. Despite frequent sandstorms and short supplies, they’ve begun to herd alpaca here among the harsh terrain. Keeping the herd safe from the likes of hyenas, Vol’duni Dunecrawlers, and saurolisks can be trying at best, and surviving off the land has hardened these people. They don’t trust outsiders, and marauders holing up in the nearby Scorched Sands Arena regularly plague this fragile settlement, stealing what little supplies they have.

To the north, the Skycallers’ Spire dominates the landscape. A large hooded snake looms above, crackling with lightning. It is here that you’ll find the Temple of Sethraliss and uncover the darkness within.

There is plenty to explore throughout Vol’dun, and what first seems like a wasteland comes to life with deadly vibrancy once you scratch the harsh exterior. The sand-bleached bones of giant beasts litter the land, long since picked clean and polished to a gleaming smooth by the shifting sands. Brief moments of reprieve from the heat can be found to the north in the small stretch of marsh and in the caverns and oasis tucked away from the unrelenting sun.

Text above is taken from “Vol’dun Visitor’s Guide,” the official zone preview:

Original thumbnail art by Ishmael Hoover: https://www.artstation.com/izzyh
Banner sketches by Jimmy Lo and Gabe Gonzalez

Music composed by Glenn Stafford (Sethrak, Heart of Sethraliss), Kory McMaster (Vol'dun, The Tortollan, Heart of Sethraliss), Sam Cardon (Vol'dun, The Tortollan), Neal Acree (Vulpera), and Derek Duke (Zul'Drak)

0:00 Winds of Vol’dun (OST)
5:33 Heart of Sethraliss (OST)
9:46 Vol’dun B
12:19 Vol’dun C
13:35 The Tortollan C
15:39 Zul’Drak Intro 5
17:49 Vol’dun D
19:25 Vulpera 1B
21:29 Sethrak 1A, 2A
23:43 Vol’dun A
26:14 Vol’dun E
28:46 Zul’Drak Night 4
30:22 Vulpera 2D, 2H
32:17 The Tortollan A
34:25 Vol’dun H
36:57 Vol’dun C
38:13 Sethrak 2A, 1A
40:20 Vol’dun B
42:53 Vulpera 1C
44:25 Zul’Drak Day 2
45:59 Vol’dun D
47:34 Vulpera 1H
49:38 Vol’dun E
52:11 The Tortollan D
53:28 Sethrak 1H, 2H
55:54 Zul’Drak Intro 2
57:35 Vol’dun A



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