Lara Liang 梁心頤【再也沒有你 No More U feat.

Описание к видео Lara Liang 梁心頤【再也沒有你 No More U feat.

Lara梁心頤 X 陳勢安 首度合唱情歌,〈再也沒有你〉再創男女對唱情歌新經典
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I am left with just memories of your skin, scent and voice…
and I hold them close to my heart.

People come and go, but memories stay. What’s important will always be remembered.

Lara 梁心頤 X 陳勢安 兩個深情嗓音的相遇,迸發火花
最新專輯《來者何人{}》中這首對唱情歌〈再也沒有你〉,Lara回歸原點,用這些年真實經歷的情感厚度盡情唱著,並邀請歌聲感性飽滿、每每總能觸動人心的陳勢安首度合作,錄音期間兩人因工作日程安排相隔上海、台北兩地,透過製作人張傑AJ 來回雲端連線,這首〈再也沒有你〉克服重重困難,美好的作品最後終於如期誕生。



Lara Liang and Andrew Tan join forces for an emotional duet, “No More U” from Lara’s latest EP “Dear You {}”.
For Lara, this track is a return to her roots, reflecting the emotional turmoil from her past relationships. In collaboration with Andrew, whose powerful voice has touched the hearts of many, the recording of the song was completed remotely between Taipei and Shanghai due to their work schedules. Thanks to producer AJ, who did all the magic by connecting both artists virtually, “No More U” has finally come into fruition.

A song so full of longing and emotion isn’t just a form of emotional catharsis, but also a way to hold your hand through the different stages in a relationship, touching your inner roller coaster of feelings. It can be a means to help the process of healing deep and profound love.

“I’ve come to realize the person that was once important in my life. Once imprinted in my memory, there is no more separation.” - Lara



The music video is directed by Aikolove Liu, with a depiction of our five senses in relation to our memories. The old-school 1 to 1 dimensions of the video on screen projects the story of a person’s life, triggering the longings in your memory. We all have those feelings we lock up and store somewhere at the bottom of our hearts. Sometimes they may resurface, and we would need to release them through tears every now and then. After a breakup, your heart will slowly heal, and life will gradually return to normal but there’s no denying your imprints remain on me. Perhaps one day I will forget you, but I won’t ever forget the love you taught me.

If I remember those memories that have you in it, there is no more separation.
#再也沒有你 #NoMoreU
#Lara梁心頤 #來者何人{} #2021全新專輯男女對唱主打歌
#來者何人 #DearYou #LaraLiang #SoWhat30

出品Presented by:NSMG 新湃傳媒集團有限公司

監制Executive Producers:王鑫 Wayne Wang / 黃家亮 Luffy Huang
詞 Lyricist:張傑AJ
曲 Composer:張傑AJ / 周菲比Phebe Chou
製作人 Producer:張傑 AJ
編曲 Music Arrangement:周菲比Phebe Chou
吉他 Guitar:張傑AJ
貝斯 Bass : 曹瑋 Marcus Tsao
鼓 Drum : 陳柏州 (Mr.Q)
弦樂編寫 String Arrangement:周菲比Phebe Chou
弦樂監製:林均憲 Shan Lin
弦樂 Strings:曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio
第一小提琴 First Violin 朱奕寧 Yi-Ning Ju
第二小提琴 Second Violin 駱思云 Ssu-Yun Lo
中提琴 Viola 甘威鵬 Weapon Gan
大提琴 Cello 劉涵隱分子 Hang Liu
弦樂錄音師Recording Engineer:單為明 Link Shan
弦樂錄音助理Assistant Engineer:于世政 Yu Shih Cheng
弦樂錄音室Recording Room:Lights Up Studio
配唱錄音師 Vocal Recording Engineer:葉育軒YuHsuan Yeh / 徐威 Aaron Xu
配唱錄音室 Vocal Recording Studio:白金錄音室Platinum Studio / 上海52Hz Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer:陳陸泰 A-Tai
混音室 Mixing Studio:原艾音樂Mugwort Music

導演 Director:劉明群 Aikolove Liu
製片 Producer:陳偉仁 William Chen
執行製片 Line Producer:何俊毅 Ho chun-i
攝影師 DP:靳家豪 Max Jin
跟焦員 Focus Puller:林承緯 Lin cheng-wei
燈光師 Gaffer:紀朝元 Ji chao-yuan
燈光助理 Best boy:吳芳源 Wu fang-yuan
美術指導 Art Director:李宸希 Sam Lee
美術助理 Art Assistant:吳明悅 Wu ming-yue
演員選角 Casting:林米騏 Miki Lin
演員 Cast:吳沂瑾 Wu yi-jin / 劉玉琪 Liu yu-chi / 曾彩雯 Tseng tsai-wen
剪接 Editor / 調光 Colorist:劉明群 Aikolove Liu


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* 本片於拍攝期間均遵循中央疫情指揮中心於5月15日發布之三級警戒的九大防疫指引
* This video was filmed in accordance to the government's safety guidelines issued on May 15.


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