Mike Mew trying Face Yoga

Описание к видео Mike Mew trying Face Yoga

Face yoga! Why not?

The objective of mewing is to gain an upswing in facial form, for both health and aesthetic reasons. We are principally focused on the big muscles of mastication, with special attention to the function and resting position of the tongue. However the face is literally covered in muscles, the muscles of facial expression. We have discussed the use of the buccinators (the cheek muscles before    • How to improve cheek bones  ) and will go on to discuss he lower lip, however the size of a muscle and thus the detailed form of your face is greatly includes by their usage.

In general you should not use (engage/recruit) the muscles of facial expression when you swallow, as we describe with the Monalisa swallow    • Mew Push Swallow by Dr Mike Mew Part 1  . Face yoga focused not only on reducing the activity of these over used muscles of facial expression, but also trying to recruit the muscles of facial expression which are not used enough. We have a hunch that mewing and face yoga are complimentary and gaining better form in the muscles of facial expression will help you to mew more effectively.

If you want to know more about Face Yoga check Koko's Youtube Channel:

   / miraiclinical  

If there are any other topics you want us to cover please let us know.

As a general rule neither Prof or Dr Mew have time to engage in the comments section, their focus must be to gain as much real change and scientific engagement as possible, and this would otherwise consume all their time. If you want to engage with Prof John Mew or Dr Mike Mew on this or other topics then follow these links (if you want a personal opinion on your situation then please book an on-line consultation at https://orthodontichealth.co.uk/book-...

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Orthotropics Video Team.

This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

Disclaimer; We regularly post discussions and debates from guests and colleges. The IAFGG is not responsible for all the opinions, statements or content of the material posted, especially that from guess lecturers.

The organisations web site is; www.orthotropics.com

The secretary can be contacted at:

Orthodontic Health Limited
Email: [email protected]
Tel. No: 00442086603695
Address: 16A Pampisford Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

Orthotropics essential means straight or correct growth. If your faces grows well it tends to work well. The concept is based on the Tropic Premise;    • John Mew's lectures part 3: The Tropi...  

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;

The association feels that it should be possible to prevent or at least minimise the level of craniofacial dystrophy through simple public health measures.


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