Dustin Guy Defa on Nicole Kidman's fearlessness - YGA#9

Описание к видео Dustin Guy Defa on Nicole Kidman's fearlessness - YGA#9

#movies #nicolekidman #podcast

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American writer-director-actor Dustin Guy Defa (BAD FEVER, PERSON TO PERSON) talks with Manuela about Nicole Kidman – how she revealed her complexity first in Gus Van Sant's TO DIE FOR, then in Stanley Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT, and how she's continued to seek out challenging parts, such as her role in Jonathan Glazer's BIRTH. They also discuss how Hollywood has changed and keeps changing, and what a risky film truly is.

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Created by: Manuela Lazic and Alessandro Luchetti
Hosted by: Manuela Lazic
With the assistance of Margaux Comte
Music by: Marina Elderton - https://www.marinaelderton.com/
Special Thanks to Daniel Waters and Curtis Duggan

Produced by Ça Existe Productions - https://www.caexisteproductions.com/
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