Hardgainer Diet Tip For Ectomorphs (1 Big Mistake To Avoid)

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Video Transcript:

Hardgainer Diet Tip For Ectomorphs (1 Big Mistake To Avoid!)

What's up guys, Sean Nalewanyj, SeanNal.com, and this here is a follow up to the video I did last week where I talked about "dirty bulking" and why it's pretty much always a bad idea assuming your overall goal is to build a lean and muscular body, and why lean bulking with a smaller calorie surplus will actually help you make better muscle building progress in the long term.

This is because your body can only divert a limited number of calories toward muscle growth in any given day, and any excess beyond that will just be stored as fat. And the more fat you gain, the longer you're going to need to spend in a cutting phase later on in order to get rid of it, and the worse you'll look and feel during your actual bulking phase.

There were several comments on that video saying that "yeah dirty bulking isn't a good idea for most people, but it can be used by hardgainers/ectomorphs since they have a harder time gaining muscle".

It is true that within the lifting population, "hardgainers" or "ectomorphs" are usually the most likely to follow that "dirty bulking" approach because they have it in their head that since they have a fast metabolism and don't gain muscle easily, they need a bigger calorie surplus in comparison to others in order to make gains.

Now, someone who is naturally skinny and doesn't gain weight easily might have a higher resting metabolic rate than the average person (in which case they would have a higher calorie maintenance level and would need more total daily calories in order to build muscle), however, the actual size of your calorie surplus as a hardgainer (how many calories you eat beyond your maintenance level) and your actual rate of weight gain from week to week, that should not be any different and it shouldn't be increased just because you have a harder time gaining muscle in general.

In fact, if anything, someone who has below average muscle building genetics would actually want to be even more cautious because their body is likely going to divert fewer calories toward muscle growth than someone with average or above average genetics will.

So, just because you're a hardgainer and are able to eat higher amounts of food without gaining weight, that still doesn't mean that aimlessly stuffing your face all day with high calorie foods and weight gainer shakes is going to be a good idea.

You still need to figure out what your calorie maintenance level is, and then create a small calorie surplus beyond that to support muscle growth, and then focus on a slow, gradual rate of weight gain so that the maximum amount comes in the form of actual lean muscle and the minimum amount comes as body fat.

Find out how many calories you require to maintain your current weight per day, and if you identify as a hardgainer or an ectomorph then you're probably still a beginner, and in that case adding about 300 calories or so on top of your maintenance level would be a good starting point.

From there, aim for about half a pound of total weight gain per week, and also recognize that the longer you've been training the slower that rate of weight gain will come.

This sort of lean bulking approach will probably allow you to gain more muscle in the long term since you won't have to divert nearly as much time and effort onto cutting (not to mention that cutting is a tedious process in the first place), and you'll just look better and feel better throughout your entire muscle building phase, both physically and mentally.

P.S. If you found these bodybuilding tips helpful, make sure to get your personalized training, nutrition and supplement plans using my interactive video presentation below:



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