Britain's First Beauty Farm (1960)

Описание к видео Britain's First Beauty Farm (1960)

M/S showing Leida Costigan, who runs the beauty farm, exercising a client on a field in the garden or grounds of a country house in Knebworth; in the foreground is glamorous Brenda Lomax on a rowing machine. Both exercisers are wearing swimsuits. C/Us from the front and behind of BL rowing rather gracefully, and smiling; she is wearing a nice yellow swimsuit.

Great M/S of women exercising in the field; two in the background are using chest-expander type equipment, while Wilhemena Robinson in the foreground is sitting down and holding onto a hoop that her legs are sticking through as she moves them in a cycling fashion; an exercise mistress kneels behind her. C/U of BL's head and shoulders, she is obviously balancing on something; tilt down to show her on a Bongo-Bongo Board (a flat board mounted on a cylinder), rocking from side to side.

Commentator says "At Knebworth in Hertfordshire we called in at Britain's only Beauty Farm where relaxation, as well as exercise is part of the treatment; and where the butler service gives the housewife a chance to forget the strain of everyday life". M/S as we see three ladies relaxing in the grounds; one on an upside down lounger, one in a deck chair and WR in a floaty negligee is reclining happily in a hammock reading a magazine. C/U as a butler brings her a glass of orange juice on a tray that she drinks. C/U of a grey poodle on the lawn.

C/U of BL in a very foamy 'slimming' bubble bath - it looks like whipped cream! M/S as Mary Lewis sitting by the bath dabs BL's face with cotton wool. C/U of BL, panning left to show the amazing bubbles. C/U of a large brush being dipped into a dish of waxy liquid; M/S of ML and Eva Copp brushing the wax onto WR's back with large paintbrushes; C/U tilt up of the wax drying on her back as it is brushed on then WR starts to recline; C/U of her lying down as they brush the wax onto her shoulders; she is wearing a silky blue turban over her hair.

M/S and C/U as Brenda Lomax lies on her front on a table while Leida Costigan gives her a Swedish body massage. Commentator says "Certainly less alarming than this treatment - the Ionisation mask for improving circulation and getting rid of facial lines", as we see in C/U Wilhemena Robinson lying on a bench wearing a white fabric mask which is then unhooked and removed by Veronica O'Brien. M/S showing the two women as VO starts to fit a contour lift mask around WR's jaw.

M/S of BL being massaged by LC who then starts to use a vacuum cup on her; C/U of this process which breaks down fat tissues. It looks quite painful, with large circular lumps of flesh being sucked into the cup and turned red! Poor BL tries to look brave (not very successfully).

M/S of VO turning on a switch attached to the contour mask; C/U of WR with the contour lift apparatus around her cheeks and jaw.

M/S of BL lying propped up on one elbow on the slimming couch - "the fat is just beaten to death!" says commentator. Two small panels in the centre of the couch move rapidly back and forth and she moves down so they are against her back. High angle C/U panning right as we see her body and bosoms vibrating from the movement of the panels. She looks happier than when we last saw her.

Commentator says "When they first arrive, women patients are put on liquids only, (probably lemon juice!). After that, when their digestive system is considered a little healthier, the diet varies, of course, and there's even a cocktail bar".

M/S of Wilhemena Robinson, Leida Costigan and unidentified woman sitting on stools at a kitchen bar; another woman in the background sits reading a magazine; bowls of fruit and vegetables are on the bar. Brenda Lomax enters the room, LC holds out a bowl of raw carrots and BL takes one. C/U of WR eating a stick of raw rhubarb. M/S of unidentified woman drinking a fruit juice, while LC feeds various rhubarb and grapes into a mixer; C/U of the mixing machine as the juice comes out of a spout and into a glass.

Commentator says "The only trouble might occur when they get home and start trying out these ideas on their husbands - if so, they've got another think coming!"

Note: this print is quite badly scratched. Excellent film about Britain's first Beauty Farm with some brilliant shots of women exercising and having treatments. On file are notes on the treatments covered and an article from 'Titbits' about the 'farm'.
FILM ID:105.24




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