How to Teach English - Methodology and Tips: Classroom Management Techniques for New Teachers

Описание к видео How to Teach English - Methodology and Tips: Classroom Management Techniques for New Teachers

If you are new to English teaching (ELT), improving your overall classroom management is a great place to get started. How you interact as an English teacher with your language students is paramount to having a productive lesson and being successful in the classroom.
This is the first video in a 15-part series covering English language teaching tips and methodology. In this video, I cover some of the basics of classroom management, including TTT, arranging desks, improving posture, overcoming anxiety, running commentary, using an anchor, and how to interact with language students. There's not too much production in these videos and it's basically just me up in front of a board talking. Not too exciting, but we cover some good info.
I brought in a few graduates of The Language House TEFL to help out with the presentation. At the beginning of the video, they share their experience as new teachers and then we jump into the main content.
Take a look at the other videos in the How to Teach English series to learn more tips and strategies to make you a more competent language instructor.
If you are thinking of teaching English abroad, do check out this TEFL certification course in Prague - The Language House TEFL


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