The Division 2 - TOP 3 S-TiER DARK ZONE PVP Builds For Year 6 Season 2! (2024)

Описание к видео The Division 2 - TOP 3 S-TiER DARK ZONE PVP Builds For Year 6 Season 2! (2024)

These are TOP 3 S TIER TANK DPS Builds for The Division 2 Darkzone PVP. Year 6 Season 2 Shades of Red!

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Intro/Build Overview 0:06
Build 1 2:13
Build 2 6:11
Build 3 8:28
Alternative Builds 11:48
Outro 12:52

Hello guys! Welcome back to another Division 2 video. So today we're gonna be breaking down 3 S-Tier tank DPS buids for Dark zone PVP. Each build on this list is carefully designed to provide you with high survivability and weapon damage. And so we achieve this by using some of the best gear pieces, talents, and weapon specialization for each setup. The first build on this list is a classic high-end meta build with the new Lexington assault rifle. This build takes advantage of the catharsis mask which is one of the most viable exotic gear pieces in the Division 2. The catharsis mask helps add an insane amount of overall survivability while boosting weapon damage as well.

Alright guys, this first build is nothing new, it's a classic high-end meta build, but as you guys know, I'm only gonna give you the best builds out there. So this is a great setup. The catharsis mask combined with the matador backpack helps increase your overall survivability, so this gives you an advantage if you're outnumbered, which also makes it a viable build for solo players. Although I'm in a group in this gameplay footage, this is still a great build to run solo. So for the vest, the named Belstone armory piece, everyday carrier is extremely effective. Using an armor kit has a 75% chance of not consuming the armor kit. This also applies to instant healing. So for this setup, I'm wearing two pieces of the Walker Harris brandset for the 5% weapon damage and damage to armor which helps increase overall damage.

So this next build is a must-have in your loadout, especially for Darkzone PVP, or PVP in general. This is a 4 piece striker setup with the matador backpack and the intimidate vest talent. With the chatterbox, this build is absolutely insane. This may actually be the best striker setup for PVP. It has great survivability since I'm running it with all blue, which I think isn't a bad idea considering the huge weapon damage increase you get from the intimidate vest talent. I think that every player should have at least one good loadout saved. So this is a 4 piece striker setup with the matador backpack. And for the vest, I'm using a Grupo vest with intimidate. But ideally, you want a Sokolov vest instead because Sokolov will give you a 10% SMG damage increase. Striker also gives you a nice 15% weapon handling and rate of fire for having 3 pieces.

This last build is fairly decent. So this is a spotter tank build with armor regen. This build has the most survivability out of the three and the damage isn't bad at all. So this build uses the perfect spotter talent in combo with the flatline talent to deliver a nice hybrid tank DPS build with great damage and amazing survivability. This is a really fun build to use and the armor regen is nice. The downside, however, is that some of the pieces may be tricky to get but i'll show a great alternative, so no worries. Most of the damage is coming from the flatline talent on the Lexington assault rifle, which already has a high base damage. And the perfect spotter talent further increases amplified weapon damage, up to 35%. So we have 2 pieces of the Walker Harris brandset for the 5% weapon damage and damage to armor bonus. And the catharsis mask for the increase in overall survivability and weapon damage, thanks to the talent vicious cycle.

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