屠洪刚 - 霸王别姬中英文歌词/Tu Honggang - Farewell My Concubine Chinese and English Lyrics

Описание к видео 屠洪刚 - 霸王别姬中英文歌词/Tu Honggang - Farewell My Concubine Chinese and English Lyrics

The song, by 屠洪刚 (Tu Honggang), is about historical story of the 西楚霸王项羽 (Warlord of Western Chu, Xiang Yu) and his concubine 虞姬 (Concubine Yu). After the collapse of the Qin dynasty, 刘邦 (Liu Bang), the founder of the Han dynasty, began warring with Xiang Yu for the control of China. Liu Bang wanted to create a centralized state while Xiang Yu wanted to revert back to the feudal system with himself as the hegemon. After years of fighting, Liu Bang, with the help of 萧何(Xiao He), 张良(Zhang Liang), and 韩信(Han Xin), fully trapped Xiang Yu at 垓下(Gaixia). At Gaixia, Concubine Yu committed suicide by the sword after giving Xiang Yu one last dance. After Yu's death, Xiang Yu broke out of the encirclement and arrived at the edge of the River Wu. However, he decided to not cross the river, but instead holding out one last fight before also committing suicide by the sword. Before his death, he compared his own death to the departure of a setting sun; hence the last line of the song says it is time for the setting sun to depart.


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