The 'common sense' guide to meditation - Part 1

Описание к видео The 'common sense' guide to meditation - Part 1

Many viewers have asked for a 'John Butler guide to meditation'. Here it is. You may be surprised at the simplicity of this 'common sense' guide when there are so many alternative methods trumpeted about. Here, step by step, John talks you through the meditation practice he learned when he was a young man and has been practising for 55 years. This simple practice has gradually revealed to John what we all long for. Freedom.

Did you know you can now listen to John on Spotify and other audio platforms? Here is his most popular recording 'Common sense guide to meditation' (1m views) -

For your free copy of John's poem 'Clouds' join John Butler's email community here -

Those wanting more detailed accounts of John's life experience - the formative influences, which have taught and made him what he is, will find it in his 7 published books, available through the website:

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