Mini Taralli or Tarallini. White Wine & Olive Oil Taralli

Описание к видео Mini Taralli or Tarallini. White Wine & Olive Oil Taralli

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Mini Taralli or Tarallini. White wine & Olive Oil Taralli

4 & 1/8 cup of sifted AP Flour (260 grams)
150 ml White Wine (150 grams)
150 ml Olive Oil (150 grams)
1/2 tsp of Salt

Directions (this makes about 100 total mini taralli)

1) on a kneading surface, start by sifting your flour.

2) Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of sea salt

3) Warm up the white wine, enough to remove the chill or as you would a baby’s bottle. Like warm temperature. Once warm, start to gradually add to the flour and mix.

4) Add the olive oil a bit at a time until well combined.

5) Knead until fully incorporated, then place in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a tea towel to let sit for 30 mins.

6) Once time is up, cut into halves if you desire to make two flavours. Then proceed to roll the dough into thin strips and cut them off at around 8cm and shape them into mini taralli. You can do whatever size you wish!

7) Bring a large pot of water to a boil and lower in your taralli, once they float to the surface which takes about 1 min, then count an extra 3 mins from there ! Once done, remove with a spider whisk and lay on a wired rack over a baking tray.
Repeat until all taralli are boiled for batch one.

8) Take each taralli with a fork and dip into sesame seed bowl to coat one side only and lay flat back on the wire rack.

9) Once all taralli have been coated in sesame seeds, you are ready to bake them at 400 FH (205 celsius) for about 25-30 mins until golden brown.
‼️ Note: baking on a wire rack over a sheet pan ensures an even baking on both sides without having to turn them over midway!

10) Let fully cool before bagging them etc

🌶️For the second flavour

1) You wil add a small handful of pepperoncino (chili flakes) in the dough and knead to mix in well.

2) Then proceed to shape your taralli.

3) Now for som extra heat, you will add a good dash of cayenne peper to the water you will use to pre boil them.

4) Lower in your taralli, once they float to the surface which takes about 1 min, then count an extra 3 mins from there ! Once done, remove with a spider whisk and lay on a wired rack over a baking tray. Repeat until all taralli are boiled.

5) Once all taralli have been coated in sesame seeds, you are ready to bake them at 400 FH (205 celsius) for about 25-30 mins until golden brown.

‼️ Note: baking on a wire rack over a sheet pan ensures an even baking on both sides without having to turn them over midway!

6) Let fully cool before bagging them etc

I hope you give this a try, it is extremely simple to make and you can have fun with making any flavour you wish! Add some crushed fennel seeds, make them with red wine etc

There is just something about homemade that makes it extra special!

Serve with your anti pasto and ENJOY!!

Nancy & Franca thank you for watching,
As always, continue to Love What UEAT


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