Teensy 3.1 Introduction/review

Описание к видео Teensy 3.1 Introduction/review

Rather selfish present for Arduino day, that's what it is about right? Anyway, this thing is nuts, I cannot believe you can get so much into such a tiny package. Only £20 and about $19 in the US.

I got this from Cool Components in the UK - http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/teens... - You can get it in other shops but they competitively priced and have 10% offers on a lot. If you are in the US you can get them straight from PJRC - https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensy31....

I know people will have been on the Teensy bandwagon for a while but just in case you missed it (I did, until now).

It turns out that 'Likes' and 'Shares' actually help the channel so, if you want to, please click the thumbs up or share the video.

I don't have a Patreon or a donate thingy, I get by fine. That said, if you are mega rich and fancy donating something I would find useful they feel free to check out my Amazon wishlist (No pressure) - http://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wish...

If you want to get in contact Twitter is probably the best way @mrdavidjwatts



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