BIGGEST GH6 ISO Mistakes and Myths | testing iso on the Lumix GH6

Описание к видео BIGGEST GH6 ISO Mistakes and Myths | testing iso on the Lumix GH6

Checking out some common mistakes, myths, and misconceptions about the GH6 and its ISO and Dynamic range in video, photo and testing these things to the best of our ability! This video took a lot of work so please like comment and subscribe!

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0:00 Intro to ISO on the GH6
1:48 BASE vs Native ISO explained
3:57 Trick on how to figure out Native ISO
5:13 DR BOOST in Standard Profiles
8:52 IS DR BOOST Noisy in VLOG?
12:22 Does the GH6 have a Dual Gain Sensor?
14:28 Extended Low ISO worth it?
16:05 GH5 BEATS the GH6 in noise?
17:24 Does DR Boost work for photos?
20:51 Discussion, is the GH6 just a noisy camera?
24:33 The number 1 tip for handling noise
25:57 Conclusions

BIGGEST ISO Mistakes on the GH6


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