Irresistible Brand Strategy Review

Описание к видео Irresistible Brand Strategy Review

Mel, from Love Parenting, is 5 years into her parent coaching business after finding a distinct gap that needed to be filled.
She's got this incredible in-house customer experience. But, like most of us, the pandemic forced her to PIVOT! Some things stuck, and the result was less clarity.
As a recent graduate from Snapper School, Mel discovered that a birds-eye view was just what she needed.

Here's 5 things Mel got from the brand strategy workshop:
• Branding isn't about changing you – it's a way of showing people who you are and what you offer.
• Expert branding knowledge rather than scattered information.
• A better understanding of who she loves working with and how to attract more of them with her content.
• Confidence in her brand.
• It's allowed her to tighten up systems and focus on improving the customer experience.

If you're keen on working through your brand's strategy - visit


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