How Straight Razors by Jerry Stark are Made

Описание к видео How Straight Razors by Jerry Stark are Made

Observe production of a straight razor within a workshop!

Production looks to have ceased; we could've made more great music together, Mr. Stark and I, but if you're a reseller of a producer's productions and you discover that producer offered a 'group buy' via Facebook, this is your supplier undercutting you to your target audience. If you're wise, you'll leave that relationship, because that supplier's not respecting the money you've given to them to have their inventory upon your shelf. Much the same thing happened with Simpson Shaving Brushes, and that's what occurred here.

This video is only kept here on YouTube for the ~$100/yr it produces in advertising revenue. Flying to Arizona, filming the footage, and flying back was done for a remarkably-frugal ~$700, so in time this video can possibly make the relationship a net profit regardless of the buying and selling of inventory and the very poor choice by Mr. Stark to attempt to gain more sales by offering a different retail price to different retail buyers.

When you segment your retail buying market in to multiple pricing tiers, inevitably someone feels cheated, and the market will try hard only to pay the least.

All retailers such as The Superior Shave are the scum of the Earth, because they are nothing more than pathetic "middlemen", adding nothing of value.


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