How to Kill Squash Bugs?

Описание к видео How to Kill Squash Bugs?

Amazon Affiliate Link
Everwilde Farms Blue Hubbard Squash Seeds:
Japanese Daikon Radish seeds:
Time Code

00:00 Intro
00:25 Identify Squash Bug
00:55 Daikon Radish
02:05 Looking for Squash Bug
03:10 Egg Removal with Tape
04:08 Dishwashing Soapy Spray
06:20 Blue Hubbard Squash
08:15 Prune Leaves

In this video, I show how to kill Squash Bugs. It is very important to decrease the Squash bug population. Gardeners must be able to identify the Squash bugs. These bugs can destroy a garden by sucking the sap out of the garden. Companion planting the daikon radish next to the Squash plant will help keep the Squash bug away. Looking under the leaves is critical because that's where they hide. They also go to the base of the plant. Using tape on the leaves can help with egg removal. Just about any type of tape can be used for this method. The next garden trick is to make a dish washing Soapy Spray. This spray will kill the bugs by suffocating the Squash bugs. The next tactic is to plant the blue Hubbard Squash used as a trap crop. Finally pruning the leaves with Squash bug eggs on them is the last method I use.


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