準提神咒 準提咒 Cundhi Bodhisattva Mantra

Описание к видео 準提神咒 準提咒 Cundhi Bodhisattva Mantra







1.南無準提王菩薩摩訶薩 (三稱)
2.稽首皈依蘇悉帝 頭面頂禮七俱胝
我今稱讚大準提 惟願慈悲垂加護 (三遍)
3.南無 颯哆喃 三藐三菩陀 俱胝喃
namaḥ saptānām samyaksambuddha koṭīnām
怛侄他 唵 折隸 主隸 準提 娑婆訶
tadyathā oṃ cale cule cundī svāhā
(每天108遍 誦滿回向心願)

The merits and benefits of the Zhunti Mantra
Seek for the happiness of the world, seek for officials and titles, subdue the troubles and karma of yourself and others, make everyone who sees you rejoice, summon men and women, gods, dragons, yaks, ghosts and spirits, make friends return to their hearts and bring joy, and bless all the Buddhas care.
The Buddha said: This mantra can eliminate the ten evils and five inversions and all serious sins, accomplish all the white dharmas, and attain Bodhi quickly with precepts and purity. If you are a family member, even if you don’t stop drinking and slaughtering your wife, but according to my law, you can achieve it. If you hear this Dharani Dharma, you will quickly attain Anuttara-samyaksabodhi. If someone can recite, recite and uphold this mantra constantly, the innumerable roots of goodness will be accomplished.


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