【富人思维】周文强老师 | 要成为富人就要突破对钱的恐惧!

Описание к видео 【富人思维】周文强老师 | 要成为富人就要突破对钱的恐惧!

#丰富人生 #名人名言 #周文强老师 #富人思维 #财商思维 #励志 #激励 #正能量 #人生感悟 #提升自己 #学习 #语录 #名言

※如有励志视频,歌曲,故事等涉及版权,侵权问题,请与我们联系 (电邮:[email protected]) 。我们将会删除该影片※ 谢谢。

Enrich Life channel will run some masters, teachers, mentors, lecturers or leaders’ motivation or inspirational video, song and story etc. in order to let friends, learn, comprehend, and benefit from it.
※ If there are any video, song and story etc. involving copyright and infringement issues, please contact us (email: [email protected]). We will delete the video. ※ Thank you.


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