Jardier joins Coach Dave Academy 🔥

Описание к видео Jardier joins Coach Dave Academy 🔥

Hey guys, Coach Dave here 👋

I’m so stoked to tell you about this. It’s been a long time coming but we are now ready to announce that Jardier has joined forces with Coach Dave Academy, and this is nothing short of incredible news. The best part about Jardier partnering with us is that he has agreed to share all of his setups through Delta.

This is fantastic news if you're a fan of Jardier's setups, as they will be available alongside all the setups we create, giving you even more options. Moreover, tyre pressures in all his setups are automatically updated, removing all the guesswork from the equation.

Get Delta here - https://coachdaveacademy.com/delta/

Check out Jardier’s website - https://jaroslavhonzik.com/

Find your next community race here - https://www.thesimgrid.com/


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