SHERRILLtree Big Launcher

Описание к видео SHERRILLtree Big Launcher

The New SherrillTree Big Launcher is the latest addition to our Big Shot Line Launcher range.

The Big Launcher uses a blank cartridge to launch specifically designed line launcher projectiles into the canopy to desired distances.

This New Line Launcher is the most versatile and compact line launcher in the world.

With the combination of a pistol grip, full length shoulder stock and aerodynamic projectile which allows for a very precise placement of the line every time.

The stock on the Big Launcher has been engineered to separate into two pieces for ideal storage and portability.

The Big Launcher has been proven to save time & money on the job sites when trying to set those tricky lines.

The Big Launcher can eliminate all the large line setting equipment that you have to use today.


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