The Last Tour Part IV- Everything Ages and Dies

Описание к видео The Last Tour Part IV- Everything Ages and Dies

This is the last part of the last tour before we go into the show room and play the last performance of The Rock-afire Explosion. So, in this episode, I show the Robinsons the rest of the basement as it is in the middle of packing everything up, and how we're collecting all the museum pieces together in the hopes that we will establish a Creative Engineering museum in our next life.

After this episode, there will be one more episode of The Robinson's Tour where I just shot the show as they watched.

I have never been as impressed with the mechanical longevity of The Rock-afire Explosion as I am right now.  It seems like everything I am testing as I pack up, whether it is a tape deck, a cassette player, an amplifier, the fork lift, my stored cars, drills, air tools, hydraulic press, monitors, computers, disk drives, equalizers, video games, mixer boards, the garage door opener, the fluorescent lights, the copy machine, printers... EVERYTHING IS BROKEN!  Everything, that is except my 100 year old elevator, my 40 year old lathe and milling machines, the air conditioner in my little kitchen, and my Rock-afire Explosion.  Those are the things that work perfectly.  Isn't that strange?  

This whole move has been a slap in the face, awakening me as to how long it's been, how much time 45 years actually is, what can survive 45 years and what can't.  Many of the people I knew have not survived.  Most of the equipment I thought I would have and use forever has not survived.  

But, my love for inventing has survived, and the enjoyment of sharing all of this has survived.  If we get to build a museum, it will be a lot of fun.  We'll force the Hard Luck Bears and the Wolf Pack 5 to survive.  It will be more amazing than I used to think it would be to see these things rocking again, now that I know how everything ages and dies, except me, of course.


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