As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty - Paradise

Описание к видео As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty - Paradise

"Without knowing, we carry, each of us, with us somewhere deep some images of paradise.
If not images some vague feeling when we're in some places; there are places in which we find ourselves i've been in such places where i've felt: "ah this must be like paradise; this is paradise; this is how paradise was or something like that, a little fragment of paradise".
Not only the places, i've been with friends, we have been together my friends many times and we felt, we all felt some kind of togetherness something special and revealing and we felt ah we felt like in paradise.

Those brief moments, those moments; And that's, maybe, what is all about:
Forget the eternity, enjoy, yes we enjoyed, those moments, those brief moments, those evenings. And there were many such evenings, many such evenings, my friends... i will never forget them, my friends."

As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty - Jonas Mekas, 2000


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