Full Replay: Starship SN15 sticks landing during flight test

Описание к видео Full Replay: Starship SN15 sticks landing during flight test

SpaceX is performing a test flight of Starship SN15. The prototype will aim to be the first Starship vehicle to softly land during a high altitude flight test. Like the previous Starship prototypes, SN15 is expected to fly to approximately 10 kilometers.

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00:00:00 - NSF Intro
00:00:50 - Waiting Game Begins
00:02:00 - Waiting Game Continues
07:49:51 - Vehicles Leave Pad
08:32:12 - Recondenser
09:11:10 - Engine Chill
09:23:02 - Launch
09:28:47 - Landing
09:31:26 - This is fine
09:35:20 - Fire Extinguished
09:38:10 - Landing Nominal, Vehicle Safing Continues


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