Dancers. Tap Dancing. Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney. Girl Crazy, 1943. I've Got Rhythm Part 1

Описание к видео Dancers. Tap Dancing. Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney. Girl Crazy, 1943. I've Got Rhythm Part 1

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Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney and Cast, perform, “I've Got Rhythm” from Girl Crazy, 1943.

Choreographer: Charles Walters.

Assistant Choreographer: Sheila Rae.

What do you think of the dance number?

Often we remember how good the dancers perform the choreography in a show, but do not recognize that dancers need great music such as Music by George Gershwin; Lyrics by Ira Gershwin. Where would this choreography be without this talent?


Mickey Rooney talks about working on the film and with Judy Garland.

“I thought she was the perfect partner. Her sense of timing was flawless….A picture like Girl Crazy was hard work but God, we had fun!”

“The movie was a hit because of the marvelous music in it. Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra, Judy, and I made the most of these melodies, and the smashing big-production finale, designed by Busby Berkeley, “I've Got Rhythm. It was hard work, but I thrived on it. “

The character that Judy Garland played in the film, “Ginger Gray” was a tribute to Ginger Rogers who had performed the same role in the1930 Broadway production, but as the character, “Molly Gray.”


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