New Beatmap (Level 32 after almost half a year)

Описание к видео New Beatmap (Level 32 after almost half a year)

It still geniunely doesnt feel real to me

i would like to thank everyone who kept me going, you probably know who you are but i would like to call out a few specific names
thank you udon for being there basically the entire time, being a great friend and just making my map grinds less miserable. even tho i constantly poke fun at you i really do appreciate everything youve done for me since i met you.
thank you to some of the people from that one server for being great people, to name a few; sabre, abby, devonix, speedy and soni. Although i still feel like we dont talk often you guys are funny and amazing people when i do talk to you.
thank you frank for being my main inspiration for playing jv in the first place, your constant motivation and talking to you about the game is always amazing. hopefully one day i can catch up to your skill level again B)

thank you ethan, the love of my life, i dont know where id be without you. you make me so happy and you were there for basically everything. i love you so much. i cant put what i want to say about you into words ♡♡♡

and for some extra thanks im just gonna drop names of people that also made not only this grind but my time in the challenge community amazing;
Bytesy, Cyn. dys, oermer, syn, and lcat (i might add more if anyone else comes to mind, also if i didnt mention you dw your still amazing)


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