Karaites in the Kitchen - How to Make Karaite Matzah

Описание к видео Karaites in the Kitchen - How to Make Karaite Matzah

(See below for a small correction to my explanation of the mana)

Making matzah for Passover is a great way to help your family appreciate the holiday. Here two people I study Karaite Judaism with and I put together a short video on how to make Karaite matzah. . .

Fun stuff. The recipe and instructions are here: http://abluethread.com/2013/02/26/kar...

One small correction: In the video, I said that the mana tasted like coriander when baked. The mana was similar to coriander (Numbers 11:7); but when it was baked it tasted like oil (Numbers 11:8). The book of Exodus also describes the mana like coriander, and says that it tasted like honey. (Exodus 16:31.)


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