LZX Industries Shapechanger Overview

Описание к видео LZX Industries Shapechanger Overview

This video features a short overview and demonstration of the LZX Industries Shapechanger.

0:18 - Standard Signal Flow
0:55 - Shapechanger Controls
2:30 - Navigator + Shapechanger
3:33 - Shapechanger Patch Demo

Patch diagram: http://imgur.com/XqrfDHh
Patch description:
Setup the red box - Horizontal and vertical ramps from the Visual Cortex are routed to the Navigator horizontal and vertical inputs. The horizontal and vertical outputs from the Navigator are then routed to the Shapechanger horizontal and vertical inputs. The keyed output of the Shapechanger is routed to the Curtain filter input. The Curtain filter output is then routed to the Color Chords.
Setup the black and white interior box - The Shaperchanger shape output (#2 from the left on the panel) is multiplied using a stack cable. The first location for the shape output is routed to the Staircase source. One of the 3 outputs is then chosen from the Staircase (any of the 3 outputs will work) to be routed to the Bridge mixer input #1 (has a + sign).
Setup the vertical line - Using the 2nd multiplied cable from the Shapechanger output plug that cable into the frequency input on the Prismatic Ray. Press the Prismatic Ray sync button down if your Prismatic Ray is on the same rail as the Visual Cortex - if not then plug a sync connection cable into the sync input on the Prismatic Ray, this will allow the Prismatic Ray to create a stable shape. Set the range knob on the Prismatic Ray all the way to the right, this is the vertical sync. Route the parabola output (2nd from the left) to the Bridge 2nd mixer input (also has a + sign). Adjust the large frequency knob on the Prismatic Ray to place the line anywhere on the screen. Adjust the multiply and gain on the Prismatic Ray to alter the lines appearance. Send the Bridges mixer output the the #2 input on the Color Chords.
Modulating the animation - Audio rate attack/decay envelope is sent from Mannequins Just Friends (not pictured because any AD Envelope will work) to the Bridge Multiple input #1. Audio rate CV from Monome Ansible is sent to Bridge Multiple #2. The outputs from multiple #1 (note the mutlipes are multiplied into a 2nd Bridge, this just doubles the outputs) are sent to the Navigator X input, Y input and Rotation VC input. The X input controls the horizontal movement of the shape and the Y input controls the vertical movement of the shape. Press the spin button on the navigator to engage its auto-spin function, adjust the rotation knob until the shape is barely spinning, whenever the Navigator receives an envelope it should advance the rotation of the shape. The envelope is also being sent to the symmetry input on the Shapechanger, this is altering the shape - try adjusting the input knob to add more or less envelope as well as the symmetry knob. The envelope is finally being sent to the Curtain width VC which is causing the red filtered shape output to disappear when the envelope is triggered - try adjusting the parameters on the Curtain to alter the filtering of the keyed shape. The audio CV from the Bridge #2 multiple is being sent to the curve input on the Shapechanger to alter the shapes "roundness" - try adjusting the curve knob and the input knob to alter the shape. The Prismatic Ray multiply input is also receiving the audio CV, this is causing the vertical lines to change size - try adjusting the input knob and multiply/gain knobs to control the changes in shape size.


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