Articles | Five Important Use of 'The' | Pronunciation of 'The'

Описание к видео Articles | Five Important Use of 'The' | Pronunciation of 'The'

Article are words used before noun and they modifies noun.
There are three articles in english, 'a','an' and 'the'.
These articles are divided into two categorizes.
Definite Articles and Indefinite Artciles. 'the' comes in definite artcile. 'a and an' comes in indefinite artcile
We use 'a' when word start with a consonant sound for example a book, a european
and 'an' when word starts with a vowel sound. an apple, an hour.

Five important usages of article 'The' are given below :
1.) First usage is, It is used to refer to something which has already been mentioned.
2.) Second usage is,It is used when we talk about a particular person or thing.
3.) Third usage is,It is used when a singular noun is used to represent a whole class.
4.) Fourth usage is,It is used before some proper nouns which comes under below categories.
5.) Fifth usage is,It is used the to refer to people or objects that are unique.

Also, we have discussed, how we can pronounce 'The'.

Watch the entire video to understand the similarity and differences between both of them.

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