How to Play Ling Assassin Jungler 23 Kills - Mobile Legends

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Skill Hero Ling Mobile Legends

Passive: Cloud Walker

Using Ling's incredible Lightness skill can help him to jump from wall to wall to chase opponents. If Ling falls to the ground, then Ling will get a slow effect. Ling can jump up the wall using her one skill, recovering 5 lightness points every second and the lightness skill provides 15% critical change.

Skill 1: Finch Poise

Ling will cast Qinggong (Lightness Skill) which makes him jump into the wall and enter Half Stealth mode. Ling will be able to run from wall to wall without cooldown. This skill increases Ling's critical change by 5% permanently, Ling gains movement speed by 30% and enters half-stealth mode.

Skill 2: Defiant Sword

Ling will run in a predetermined direction and stab the nearest opponent, dealing damage. This attack will count as a basic attack with an increased critical chance.

Using this skill when on a wall will cause a slow effect on the opponent when dealing Crit Damage. Ling uses a charge in the specified direction and then deals damage equal to 50% of the total physical attack, his attack will have a slow effect of 30% for 1.5 seconds.

Ultimate: Tempest of Blade

Ling will jump up and become Invincible temporarily, then fall down and cause an airborne effect to the center opponent.

How to Play Ling Correctly in Mobile Legends

1. Get to know and learn Ling's skills

First, if you want to master a hero who has automatic high damage, a good step to take is to first learn every skill he has. For that, a smurf account is needed so that you can train Ling's hero character and as a way to master it. The processing and also the combination of skills determine the great damage, for that you must really learn and know how to do it.

The first skill Finch Poise allows Ling to walk quickly on walls. While the second skill Defiant Sword attacks opponents in a straightforward pattern and has a short cooldown. Then the last or ultimate skill Tempest of Blade can give her high immunity and a large burst damage attack.

2. Walk on Walls to Regen Energy Fast

The use of the first skill, Finch Poise, is one of the right ways to regenerate Ling's energy. In addition, this first skill can also be used for ambushes and escape from enemy attacks. Utilizing Ling's first skill can save you from various situations and is also profitable. So, you must be able to read the situation so that the Ling hero that is being used can be meaningful and provide more value to your team.

3. Attack Heroes with Low Durability

Having great damage is Ling's advantage when dealing with heroes who have low durability. Miya, Laila, Hanabi, Claude and other marksman heroes are easy targets for Ling. Hero marksman even though they have high damage in the late game they also have low durability, you can take advantage of that because they are very dangerous if the item is finished. Being able to climb walls is an advantage for Ling to ambush marksman heroes so they can't make their items. Despite being protected by tank-type heroes, Ling is very agile when it comes to kidnapping.

4. Use the Right Build and Items

Items and builds for heroes play an important role in a match. Choosing the right item makes the hero have a high damage and can be used as a team mainstay when war or ambush. For items or builds from Ling heroes you can adjust to enemy conditions, you can also see items belonging to pro players and can apply them to your Ling heroes.

5. Focus on Farming to Make Items

Because Ling is an assassin's hero who is in fact the spearhead of a team, you must make the item quickly. In order for items to be finished quickly, you must farm and farm. When Ling has the perfect item then you can go ahead and kill all your enemies.

Those are some ways or tutorials to play Ling correctly in Mobile Legends, you must continue to practice in order to become a global top and help your team or you reach high rankings.


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