Описание к видео EREN X LEVI // IT'S COLD OUT THERE

I finished it, yeaah :DD
I just felt like doing my own "fanfiction" video ( THERE IS NO FANFICTION!!! JUST A LITTLE STORY BEHIND THIS VIDEO!) and for those who don't understand the "story" :
levi found out that eren loves him and that's why he made him his "slave".
but eren didn't care as long as he can stay by levi's side.. even if he does really cruel things to him (like forcing him to something, beat him up etc.)
for levi it was just a game but without realizing he fell in love with eren. he couldn't stop to treat eren like that because.. yeah because it's levi, it's normal for him to do these things xd
and he thought that eren would never leave him because he's weak and so in love with him but after eren had enough and couldn't take it anymore, he left.
after that levi realized that he loves eren and should have treaten him better... he blamed himself for not showing eren his love for him.
he even cried the first time in his whole life, but eren couldn't come back because he was afraid of levi, afraid that he would just play around again.
and that's the sad story ):
PS: sorry for my bad english xd
PPS: wow, thanks for 800 likes ♥
and for all those who are asking because of the title:
i didn't chose the original title but "it's cold out there" BECAUSE the world and life is really cruel, you can't live on your own so that's why you need someone who's going to protect you ...that's the view of levi and he is saying this to eren. he wants eren to come back because "it's cold out there" ^^ i know it's really complicated but i always put something in my videos that only i understand xd
AND PLEASE don't ask me again what the name of the song at the end is... i answered it soooo many times and the last time : DNNYD feat. DyCy - Don't Hold Me Back - Couzare Remix
I'm not going to answer it again, if you can't read the describtion then it's not my problem! xd


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