
Описание к видео 【美國先鋒級遠征快速運輸船】美國海軍及陸軍的支援專用高速雙體運輸船,單艘造價高達1.8億美元,運載能力超過25架次C17,先進世界上最快水上運載艦艇。

先鋒級聯合高速船(英文:USNS Spearhead),是美國海軍隸下的一型高速雙體運輸船。
Pioneer Joint Expressway is developed by the JHSV projects that the US military shipping commander is used to support the army and navy of the joint or coalition forces. The main role is to transport military logistics and humanitarian rescue actions in a global task, military logistics and humanitarian rescue actions, reflecting a new concept of US military high-speed mobile. It adopts bibli vessel design and can sail in the shallow water area. Its flight deck can support helicopters and unmanned nights, with the characteristics of being shallow, fast, and high speed, payload, will become the future US Navy and Army An important equipment for the water surface force.


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