廣東惠州龍門鎮!3人旅遊日記!小鎮生活!龍眼3元一斤!抵到爛! 特產豐富又便宜!忍不住手!採購一大堆!早茶點心!美味!女兒很滿意!Travel to Huizhou, Guangdong, China

Описание к видео 廣東惠州龍門鎮!3人旅遊日記!小鎮生活!龍眼3元一斤!抵到爛! 特產豐富又便宜!忍不住手!採購一大堆!早茶點心!美味!女兒很滿意!Travel to Huizhou, Guangdong, China

#旅游 #travel #广东#惠州#龙门镇#3人#旅游#日记#小镇生活#龙眼#特产#丰富#便宜#采购#早茶#点心#美味#满意#Travel #Huizhou#Guangdong#china Travel #travel #Guangdong #Huizhou #Longmen Town #3 people #travel #diary #small town life #longan #specialty #rich #cheap #purchase #morning tea #dim sum #delicious #satisfied

Address: Yonghan Town, Longmen County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Baidu Map: https://j.map.baidu.com/c7/qIk

Local profile: Longmen County is under the jurisdiction of Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. It is located in the central part of Guangdong Province, in the upper reaches of Zengjiang River, bordering Heyuan City and Boluo County of Huizhou City in the southeast, Conghua District and Zengcheng District of Guangzhou City in the southwest, and Xinfeng County of Shaoguan City in the north. It has a total area of ​​2,267.2 square kilometers and a population of 318,600. Longmen County is the intersection of Cantonese culture, Hakka culture and Yao culture.

Longmen Town, Huizhou, Guangdong! Travel diary of 3 people! Small town life! Longan is 3 yuan per pound! It’s a bargain! ! Rich and cheap specialties! Can’t help it! Buy a lot! Morning tea snacks! Delicious! My daughter is very satisfied! Travel to Huizhou, Guangdong, China


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