Software Engineering unit 2 | All pyqs || insem sppu

Описание к видео Software Engineering unit 2 | All pyqs || insem sppu

Welcome to this comprehensive video on Unit 2 of Software Engineering! In this video, we dive deep into the essential topics related to Requirement Analysis and Modeling, focusing on both theoretical concepts and practical examples. Here's what you'll learn:

Topics Covered:
Software Requirement Specification (SRS):

Definition and purpose of SRS.
Components of SRS, including functional and non-functional requirements.
Example: Writing an SRS document for a Library Management System.
Requirement Elicitation Techniques:

Common techniques such as interviews, surveys, brainstorming, prototyping, and focus groups.
Detailed explanation of two techniques with examples.
Requirement Prioritization with the Kano Model:

Explanation of the Kano Model and its key characteristics.
Prioritizing requirements based on customer satisfaction with a neat diagram.
Requirement Analysis Model:

Elements such as functional and non-functional requirements, business requirements, stakeholder analysis, behavioral modeling, and system constraints.
Detailed explanation of each element with examples.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:

Definitions, differences, and real-world examples.
Use Case Diagram:

Purpose and importance of use-case diagrams.
Drawing and explaining a use-case diagram for systems like a Library Management System.
Class Diagram:

Explanation of class diagrams, components, and their usage.
Example: Drawing a class diagram for a Library Management System.
Project Initialization:

Understanding how a software project gets initiated with real-world examples.


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