A Service I Will Never Forget

Описание к видео A Service I Will Never Forget

Although every committal service set up is treated with care and respect, when i think back over the years about days that have had an impact on myself personally, this service will now come to mind along with a handful of others.

Providing graveside services for those who have passed in the line of duty whether that be militarily or law enforcement, there is more responsibility for a Vault man and more moving parts to coordinate with other volunteers and members of law enforcement.

We work together to ensure that the funeral, procession, and graveside are organized and safe for the funeral attendees, including shutting down roads, having community volunteers with golf carts to assist family to the graveside, guiding traffic, and having an ambulance on site in case of emergencies.

At services such as this we can expect anywhere from a few hundred attendees and service members to a few thousand, so safety and organization are our highest priorities.

This Burial Vault was donated by Wilbert Funeral Services as part of our Commemorating First Responders program. It is our honor to provide this burial vault, and the Wilbert Way services at no cost. To learn more about this program please visit

The passing of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical personnel in a small community is an incredibly tragic event. I can not express how moving it was to witness the care, love, and support from the community and law enforcement groups.

Thank you to all who serve our great communities across the United States, and thank you to those who serve in our nation's armed forces.


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