what I ate on this day in New York

Описание к видео what I ate on this day in New York

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Last remaining video from New York had to be a full day of eating! Looking back at this, I kind of wish I recorded a day in which I ate more. But thinking about it, I’m happy I do share this video with you. Not every day is the same which is important to remember. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

Music provided by Epidemic Sounds https://share.epidemicsound.com/n23faf
Shop my jewlery here https://agape-studio.com?dt_id=387149 and use my code katharina10 to save 10% off

Instagram @katharinaschneiderr
TikTok @katharinaschneiderr

I record with a Canon G7X mark ii and edit in Final Cut Pro X

0:00 morning talk
1:57 MoMA
2:23 my encouragement to you
3:36 giant pancakes
4:30 daily grass and browsing
4:46 I spent a lot of money
10:03 I’m not hungry
10:28 bomb and bland snacks
11:43 slice of New York, sweets and night cravings


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