Making the place of the bed with the elders: from the carpet to respect in the funeral ceremony"

Описание к видео Making the place of the bed with the elders: from the carpet to respect in the funeral ceremony"

In a nomadic area, Aghaqarboun had tried to prepare a suitable place for his family's bed and also to bring home a new carpet. These efforts were made to improve living conditions and provide a more comfortable environment for his family. In the meantime, Aghaqarboun respectfully and carefully attended the funeral ceremony held in the region to pay his respects and be with the local people.

After these events, and while Aghaqarboun was present at the funeral, a girl from Aghaqarboun's family came to their house. In the absence of his relatives, he helped the children of the family and assumed responsibilities so that their living conditions would be well managed during this time. This action showed solidarity and social support among families and the nomadic community and showed the importance of helping each other in times of need.

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