17 Scariest PS1 Games to Play on Halloween

Описание к видео 17 Scariest PS1 Games to Play on Halloween

This video will look at 17 of the scariest games to play on Halloween for the Sony PlayStation, PS1 (PSX). Subscribe for more classic PS1/PSX game reviews & videos:
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Other PS1 Horror Game Videos:
The PlayStation Revolutionsed Horror:    • Terrifying PS1 Horror Games  
Best Resident Evil Clones:    • Top 10 Best Resident Evil Clones on PS1  
Resident Evil Retrospective:    • Resident Evil Retrospective - History...  

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Checkout the podcast series: ✅ https://casualgamersprojectpodcast.po...

The PS1/PSX is such an iconic console that changed the face of gaming forever with so many incredible titles that introduced many household brands in various video game genres.

The goal of the PSX Gaming Memories shared on the channel is to share the most memorable and nostalgic moments that gamers young and old remember and experience from reviews and playing legendary games on the Original Playstation 1 Console.


The original Playstation is such an iconic console that helped change how we play & experience games today & it is my all-time favourite console that is home to some of video gamings biggest & most well-known franchises. So I want to share my journey of reliving some of those great memories & share new experiences with you...!

#playstation #playstationgaming #horrorgaming

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