16. Fly Fishing UK Tips Squirmy Wormy Worm @ Pennine Trout Fishery

Описание к видео 16. Fly Fishing UK Tips Squirmy Wormy Worm @ Pennine Trout Fishery

I had a half day ticket at Pennine Trout Fishery, Lancashire this morning; it was difficult to catch anything. Some of the lads didn’t land a single fish. I was just as bad, casting like mad with nothing to show on any of the black, red or green buzzers. Even Pellet & Batch flies did nothing to help and it was looking like I was going home with nothing.

That was until 11:15 when I changed to a Red Squirmy wormy Worm and cast it out on a 10ft leader. All I was doing for strike indications was watching the end of the floating line as I had done the previous week, just waiting for the slightest movement in the small line cruel at the end but, “Hay Presto” it only moved slightly.

I hit into every movement of the line over the next 45 minutes and landed 6 trout, 3 were blue trout and hard fighters at that. I missed a further 5 takes mainly due to having such at long leader, which at times must have been at its maximum depth.

Thinking back, I could have been striking too quickly on the missed fish and I could have let the floating line move a little further, but the squirmy worm yet again worked best on the day when everything else failed.

This is the second time that I have used these squirmy worms and I must say they are just a killer fly on this still water.


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