Custom Painted Harley Davidson fuel tank

Описание к видео Custom Painted Harley Davidson fuel tank

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What's up gang!! Thank you for being here. In this video i'm adding a little filigree pattern that I pulled off of google search to the sides of the fuel tank that I later shadow in the detail. I also use a light grey basecoat to add a cool effect onto of the LiME LiNE silver flake. With the LiME LiNE leafing glue its important to remember not to over apply. This goes on like a "tack coat" but be sure to spray all your edges. You can also lay and glue two layers of leaf if you are afraid of or have had problems with burning through your leaf when spinning. When done right the leaf looks near perfect and does not require pin striping. Finally I layer out 4 coats of finish line clear coat a will cut and polish to a shine. Thank you for reading and watching my videos. -Adam
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