Regal s akvariami pre raky, ryby a slimaky -

Описание к видео Regal s akvariami pre raky, ryby a slimaky -
V jednom z našich mnohých regáloch chováme raky Cherax Destructor, Procambarus alleni, Cherax quadricarinatus, miniráčiky Cambarellus pancuarensis orange a diminutus. Okrem nich tam nájdeš aj rybky a slimáky. Filtre sú poháňané centrálnou vzduchovou turbínou. Regál obsahuje okrem rozvodov vzduchu aj rozvod vody, prepadov vody a osvetlenie.

rack with aquariums for crayfish, fish and snails
In one of our many racks we keep crayfish Cherax Destructor, Procambarus alleni, Cherax quadricarinatus, Cambarellus pancuarensis orange and diminutus minis. In addition to them, you will also find fish and snails there. The filters are driven by a central air turbine. In addition to air distribution, the shelf also contains water distribution, water overflows and lighting.


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