IASIP - Every Time the Gang Sings (Up To Season 12)

Описание к видео IASIP - Every Time the Gang Sings (Up To Season 12)

The Gang sings, a lot.
(Almost) every time one (or all!) of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia's "Gang" sings. (Except for the musical version of Dayman, Charlie's Ballad, and the first two songs of The Gang Turns Black, for copyright reasons. You can find those elsewhere.)

This video has been copyright blocked for a long time, and has only recently been rereleased. I'm probably not going to update this for seasons 13 and 14, but if anyone would like to make a new version themselves, they are welcome to. These are songs I'm aware are missing:
Runaway Train - The Gang Hits The Road
Magic's In The Air - Frank's Little Beauties
Dennis vocalizing from in the bathroom - The Gang Gets Quarantined
Second Charlie/Mac/Dennis trash a capella - The Gang Recycles Their Trash
Sunny Sing-Along - Bonus feature from A Very Sunny Christmas
"Who's that sexy news guy" - Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire
-"Just two men sharing the night" Nightman 1 continuation - Sweet Dee is Dating A Retarded Person
-Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat - The Gang Goes To Hell pt. 1(?)
-"Boom I got your credit card" - Frank's Back In Business
Dennis joins in with "The Greatest Love of All"
All Season 13/14 singing
If you know of any songs I've missed that Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie, or Frank have sung and that are not in the list, please let me know in the comments (along with the episode name)! I am not including non-Gang songs or dance numbers like the one from High School Reunion.

0:00 - Never Gonna Give You Up - 1x04 - Dennis
0:09 - More Than Words - 2x02 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
0:30 - Just A Friend - 2x03 - Dennis and Dee
1:10 - "Go For It" - 2x04 - Frank [Rob McElhenney and Glenn Howerton as background singers]
1:20 - "The Good Lord" - 2x07 - Charlie
1:36 - "Rock, Flag, and Eagle" - 2x09 - Charlie
1:56 - The Greatest Love of All - 2x10 - Dee [and Bruce Mathis]
2:16 - "Yellow Jacket Blues" - 3x07 - Frank [and the Yellow Jacket Boys]
2:35 - "Hawky's Song" - 3x07 - Frank [and the Yellow Jacket Boys]
3:12 - "The Nightman" - 3x09 - Charlie
3:40 - "The Nightman" part 2 - 3x09 - Charlie
3:58 - "The Dayman" - 3x09 - Dennis and Charlie
4:45 - "The Dayman" reprise - 3x09 - Dennis and Charlie
5:30 - It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday - 4x08 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
6:02 - "Day Bow Bow" (Oh Yeah) - 4x10 - Mac and Charlie
6:29 - "Come One, Come All" - 4x13 - Charlie
6:41 - "Little Baby Boy" (Rehearsal) - 4x13 - Dee and Dennis
6:54 - "Troll Toll" (Rehearsal) - 4x13 - Frank
7:24 - "Little Baby Boy" - 4x13 - Dee and Dennis
8:18 - "Just To Be Clear" - 4x13 - Dee
8:42 - "Troll Toll" - 4x13 - Dennis and Frank
N/A - "The Dayman" (Musical Version) - 4x13 - Dennis, Dee, Mac Frank
N/A - "Charlie's Ballad" - 4x13 - Charlie
9:45 - "Birds of War" - 5x07 - Dennis, Mac, Charlie
10:30 - Kiss From A Rose - 5x07 - Dee
10:33 - The Boys Are Back In Town - 6x02 - Dennis and Mac
10:48 - O Holy Night - 6x13* - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
11:05 - "Do Not Diddle Kids" - 7x03 - Frank
11:23 - "Moms Stink" - 7x03 - Dee
12:04 - "Garbage Men A capella" - 8x02 - Dennis, Mac, Charlie
12:28 - Bad Company - 8x04 - Dee
12:38 - On Eagle's Wings - 8x06 - Mac [and churchgoers]
13:05 - Wind Beneath My Wings - 8x09 - Dennis
13:24 - "I Like Life In Paddy's Pub" - 9x03 - Charlie
14:24 - "Go F*ck Yourselves" - 9x03 - Charlie
16:04 - Motown Philly - 9x07 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
16:26 - A capella Practice - 9x07 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
16:37 - "My Friend Exploded" - 9x07 - Dee, Mac, Charlie
16:43 - A capella Practice part 2 - 9x07 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
16:44 - Dennis holds a note - 9x07 - Dennis
16:58 - Motown Philly (reprise) - 9x07 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
17:19 - Psycho Killer - 10x03 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie, Frank
17:41 - Gone 'Til November - 11x02 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie
N/A - "Give Me One Good Reason" - 12x01 -
N/A - "What Are The Rules?" - 12x01 -
17:57 - "What Are The Rules?" (reprise) - 12x01 - Dennis, Mac, Charlie
18:00 - "The N-Word" - 12x01 - Dee, Frank
18:48 - "Charlie's Life" - 12x01 - Charlie
19:38 - "Let's Not Assume" - 12x01 - Dennis, Mac
20:20 - "What Are The Rules?" (reprise 2 part 2 - 12x01 - Dennis, Mac
20:33 - "What Are The Rules?" (reprise 2 part 2) - 12x01 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie, Frank
20:57 - "The Gang Pleads" - 12x01 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie, Frank
21:41 - "Problems With Society" - 12x01 - Charlie
22:12 - "We Just Learned Our Lesson" - 12x01 - Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie, Frank
22:52 - "Old Lady House Theme" - 12x03 - Dennis
23:11 - "Go For It" part 2 - 12x04 - Frank

*O Holy Night is from An Always Sunny Christmas, which was originally a standalone on DVD and released at the end of the 5th season. It's on streaming services as 6x13 because that's when it was released on TV, and that's what I have it as.


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