Light of a Million Mornings (Male Cover) by Johann Enriquez

Описание к видео Light of a Million Mornings (Male Cover) by Johann Enriquez

Light of a Million Mornings (Male Cover)

As we are moving closer to a new normal Christmas celebration this year, it is my deepest prayer that each and every person in the world today would see and believe the ultimate LIGHT that has all the power and authority to save us from the darkness of this world and the worst virus of sin that we are all infected with.

This LIGHT is a Person and He is the perfect lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world through His life, death and resurrection. He is the sole reason why we are celebrating Christmas this season. He is the LIGHT of a million mornings.

He. Is. Jesus.

Believe in Him. Trust in Him.

Merry Christmas! 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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