Cosmic Communion-Cygnus and Shamans: ELF Radiation and the Yuga Cycles of Golden Ages/DNA Alchemy

Описание к видео Cosmic Communion-Cygnus and Shamans: ELF Radiation and the Yuga Cycles of Golden Ages/DNA Alchemy

-There is evidence to suggest that the hieroglyphs of ancient Egyptians were much more than religious fervor and superstition. The glyphs may indicate an alchemical process of moving the quantum consciousness of a pharaoh into a viral state to join the "Neter" of Egyptian cosmology. It is indicated that the Pyramids were powerful devices used as tools to do just this. But what did these pharaohs do once they became plasmatic beings among the stars?
-All cultures on earth have had a fascination with the star constellation called Cygnus. Stone reliefs from all time periods of prehistory show this celestial bird to be of great spiritual importance to most all ancient civilizations. Oral traditions maintain that the reason for this is that Shamans would enter the pitch-black darkness of caves in order to "pick up" on subtle transmissions from the heavens associated with this very same cosmic "bird". They would climb a "sky-rope" to interact with beings that they considered ancient to them. Interestingly enough, science today confirms that the human brain will detect cosmic radiation, like that coming from Cygnus, and appear to a person as flashes of white and blue light! In fact, the way we study this cosmic electromagnetic radiation is with deep underground facilities that black out all other solar radiation. It seems the science and mythology, once again, go hand in hand. In fact, much of the technology we have right now is because Nikola Tesla admittedly interacted with these plasmatic impulses of white and blue light that he credited with giving him his ideas to help humanity.
-There were many other ways that the ancient shaman and priest kings communicated with intelligent forces outside of our world. We are beginning to find measurable evidence that ancient megalithic structures utilized acoustical sound vibration to alter the consciousness of those who wished to speak with the divine causal realms. This is, again, strikingly similar to what we are discovering today with Cymatics and specific frequency vibrations that induce transient states of mind onto participants. We will list which frequencies cause relaxed meditative states and which ones boost creativity by looking at the tones used by both modern-day science and ancient ritualistic traditions.
-This episode contains much more related to these overlooked and unspoken subjects including the day that the solar wind impossibly stopped and how plasmatic electricity might be alive, sentient and responsible for shaping life on earth to its will, or if you prefer the term... The Word.
-There are indeed great mysterious anomalies on and off this planet, but surprisingly, many of them are agreed upon by modern day science rock-stars like Carl Sagan to Esoteric religious practitioners.


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