DWE Gold Rush Match Card (Results)

Описание к видео DWE Gold Rush Match Card (Results)

Here are the Results for the DWE Gold Rush PPV. I want to say Thank You for the ones who participated and let's make this PPV special tomorrow.

Hardcore Title
Jstar(c) vs Kris Roberts

International Heritage Title
Logan Miller(c) vs Prince Russell

Internet Title
Morrison Moore(c) vs F H Jones

Women's World Title
Io Yamashita(c) vs Demon Havoc

United States Title
Andrew Storms(c) vs Drake Kendrik

Television Title
DTG(c) vs Kross

Intercontinental Title
Liam Marko(c) vs Demented

Revolution Title Last Man Standing Match
Vinny V(c) vs Jose Rivera

Global Title
Wade Cassidy(c) vs Jordan Prince

Uprising World Title
Killian Sawyer(c) vs Dominick Henry

DWE World Heavyweight Title
Eddie Ortin(c) vs Jay Lee


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