Is there still hope for reversing climate change? | Ramez Naam

Описание к видео Is there still hope for reversing climate change? | Ramez Naam

Ramez Naam is an American technologist and science fiction writer. He is best known as the author of the Nexus Trilogy. His other books include The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet and More than Human: Embracing the Promises of Biological Enhancement. He is currently the co-chair for Energy and the Environment at Singularity University.

Earlier in his life, Naam was a computer scientist at Microsoft for 13 years and led teams working on Outlook, Internet Explorer, and Bing.

Ignite Talks is a fast-paced geek event started in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. Since the first Ignite took place in Seattle around 17 years ago, Ignite has become an international phenomenon, with Ignite events produced in Helsinki, Tunisia, Paris, New York City and over 350 other locations in between.

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